if you use search / replace with regexp and on the
"replace" box insert a reference, you'll get $1 instead of the
reference. For example, searching for duplicated words with

\b(\w+) *\1\b

and writing


on replace, the duplicated word will be replaced by $1 instead of the
single word.

The concrete problem is that either
  ReplaceBackReferences() in main/sw/source/ui/uiview/viewsrch.cxx
should be updated to understand the advanced features of ICU regexp or what would IMHO be the better solution: WriterEngine or EditEngine should simply trust the result of the Regexp machinery.

Another problem that was fixed but returned is the autoreplace that do
not match case of the target word. For example, if you type
"onomatopoeia" and then start typing ONOM... you'll end with
ONOMatopeia, i.e., mixed case. That also worked on a previous dev

That seems to be unrelated to the RegExp replacement. Do you happen to remember which version had that feature? It somehow reminds me of


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