On 1 May 2012 17:08, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/30/2012 12:41 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> The following tasks are on the wiki and need owners:
>> Manually update the downloads from the Arabic NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Czech NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the German NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Spanish NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the French NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Hungarian NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Galacian NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Italian NL homepage and
>> subpages (pescetti)
>> Manually update the downloads from the Japanese NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Dutch NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Brazilian NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Russian NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Simplified Chinese NL homepage
>> Manually update the downloads from the Traditional Chinese NL homepage
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+3.4+Distribution+Tasks
>> Only one of them has an owner (Thanks, Andrea!)
>> What needs to be done?
>> We need someone to review these NL pages and identify what needs to be
>> changed to support the AOO 3..4 release.
>> Changes to consider:
>> 1) Branding changes (OpenOffice.org -> Apache OpenOffice)
>> 2) Updates to download location,  for the 3.4 releases instead of the
>> 3.3 release
>> 3) References to the old LGPL license need to be changed to Apache 2.0 
>> License
>> 4) References to old NLC email addresses, marketing leads, etc., need
>> to be replaced by the new Apache email lists.
>> 5) Other similar changes.
>> You don't need to do a complete rewrite of the pages.  But we should
>> "refresh" the page with information on the AOO 3.4 release.
>> Timeline looks like this:
>> -- Wednesday May 2nd -- Vote ends on approving the 3.4 release
>> -- Thursday-Friday -- Update the mirrors with the release, test the
>> new download websites.
>> -- Over the weekend, additional website updates and testing
>> -- Monday or Tuesday, if everything is working well, then we make
>> public announcement
> I can't help with any of these but thank you VERY much for the
> timeline...hopefully good for many of us working away on back-end stuff.
>> So ideally we would have the NL website updates done at the end of
>> this week.   However, we should not make them be live on the
>> production server until after the mirrors are populated.  Maybe
>> easiest way to coordinate is to submit patches for the changes into
>> BZ?
>> Any other ideas?
>> Any volunteers?
>> -Rob

I can see what I can do. I speak or at least utterly destroy by trying
to speak, a few of these languages (all but the really cool ones;
those are Greek to me, and where is Greek?)

But I also think it would be useful to use a BZ issue?


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