On Wednesday, 2. May 2012 at 17:02, Dave Fisher wrote:
> On May 2, 2012, at 3:04 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  
> > to sum up this longer thread and the structure how I will upload the bits
> >  
> > Source release reflecting a future directory structure already:
> >  
> > .../incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/aoo-3.4.0-incubating-src.tar.bz2
> > .../incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/aoo-3.4.0-incubating-src.tar.gz
> > .../incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/aoo-3.4.0-incubating-src.zip
> > .../incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/...
> >  
> > Binary releases keeping the old structure:
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/stable/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/ar/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/cs/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/de/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/en-BG/3.4.0/...
> >  
> Do you mean en-GB?
Yes, I hope I have no real typo. Have to check it when I am at home. In the 
subway right now...

> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/es/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/fr/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/gl/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/hu/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/it/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/ja/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/nl/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/pt-BR/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/ru/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/zh-CN/3.4.0/...
> > .../incubator/ooo/files/localized/zh-TW/3.4.0/...
> >  
> >  
> > The directories will include all files (including the checksum files) for 
> > all platforms and the language packs. The SDK is available in en-US only 
> > and o only in ...files/stable
> Thanks for all of your hard work as Release Manager!
> Regards,
> Dave
> >  
> > Juergen  

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