
Language specific lists are good tools to engage local communities where
users are not fluent in English.

That being said, however, I must agree with Louis. Despite the ease of
engaging local communities, local lists also quickly led to communication
problems between the local and the international groups putting them,
sometimes, at opposite ends.

The idea of an RSS linked Wiki, hosted at the Apache infrastructure, seems
to be a better way to restart the Regional Projects.


2012/5/4 Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> On 2012-05-04, at 09:20 , Claudio Filho wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > 2012/5/4 Albino Biasutti Neto <biasut...@gmail.com>:
> >> In link[1] have information the list pt-br. I sending an test occur
> >> problems, see:
> >> The list no active ?
> >> I went to subscribe (*-subscribe@) was also observed the same problem.
> >> 1 - http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/native-lang.html
> >
> > Albino, we haven't a pt-BR list. Wasn't made when i requested it in the
> past.
> >
> > I think that today we can ask again if we can open a list for
> > brazilian community.
> >
> > +1 from me.
> Historically, as Claudio and others in the BR community know, I've long
> endorsed language-specific lists and championed the BR project and effort.
> But I also really want to stress the importance of communication. As
> Claudio can also tell, the level of communication between BR and the
> International group (then, OOo), was imperfect, through no fault of… anyone.
> I doubt that in the years since humans have grown wings; we still walk on
> earth and so are never as angelic as others might wish us to be. Still:
> What protocols will exist to ensure communication? (And this is true for
> any native-language sub-project or list.)
> When I suggested the creation of the Regional Projects, I suggested that
> we use a wiki. Technology has leapt ahead and wikis, too. So, RSS linked to
> a wiki might be actually useful.
> Ciao
> Louis
> >
> > Best,
> > Claudio

Roberto Salomon

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