On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 6:24 AM, Jürgen Schmidt
<jogischm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 5/5/12 4:03 AM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
>> Am 05/05/2012 12:08 AM, schrieb Dave Fisher:
>>> On May 4, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
>>>> Am 05/04/2012 06:27 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>>>>> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Jürgen Schmidt
>>>>> <jogischm...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have tested http://ooo-site.staging.**apache.org/download/test/**
>>>>>> index_new_dl.html<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_new_dl.html>on
>>>>>> MacOS 10.7.3 with Firefox 12.0 and Safari 5.1.5
>>>>>> In both cases the click on the download butotn give me the correct
>>>>>> download, perfect ;-)
>>>>> YAY!
>>>>>> Some questions as release manager:
>>>>>> - the link "Searching for another version? Get all platforms,
>>>>>> languages,
>>>>>> language packs" guide me on an old page. Do we have the new page
>>>>>> with the
>>>>>> reduced number of released languages already in place?
>>>>> yes, we do...it is not linked in and will need to retaing its
>>>>> current name
>>>>> but you can see the new version at:
>>>>> http://www.openoffice.org/download/test/other_new_dl.html
>>>> I've created yesterday evening a first draft. So, please don't see it
>>>> as written in stone. And some links are not yet working.
>>>>>> Does "source archives" on this page provide links to our source
>>>>>> release?
>>>>> see above page...
>>>> Yes, there is a little section to provide links to the source files
>>>> (should be from Apache only).
>>> This is what should be from the Apache Mirrors and not /dist/. You can
>>> use the cgi url that Joe has provided.
>>> (This is item no 10.)
>>> Let me know if you would like me to do these changes on the new other
>>> page.
>> I've tried to use the aoo-closer.cgi script in the URL. But it doesn't
>> work yet. Do you see anything incorrect in the URL?
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/aoo-closer.cgi/incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/aoo-3.4.0-incubating-src.zip[.asc|.md5|.sha1|.sha512]
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/aoo-closer.cgi/incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/aoo-3.4.0-incubating-src.tar.gz[.asc|.md5|.sha1|.sha512]
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/aoo-closer.cgi/incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/aoo-3.4.0-incubating-src.tar.bz2[.asc|.md5|.sha1|.sha512]
>>>>>> - the link "Release Notes"
>>>>>> Do we have it in place as html file that fits in here? I know we
>>>>>> have it
>>>>>> in the wiki and there as html as well. But is the plan here?
>>>>> I just sent out a note about this. We have one in development but
>>>>> it's not
>>>>> where it should be.
>>>>>> - the "MD5 checksums"
>>>>>> I have read that we will probably change it to "Signatures and
>>>>>> Hashes". Do
>>>>>> we have the page/script behind it?
>>>>>> Or should we simply provide 4 links ASC, MD5, SHA1, SHA512 with a
>>>>>> simple
>>>>>> script appending the correct extension. Everything else should be
>>>>>> in place
>>>>>> already.
>>>>> This is a BIG unanswered question at the moment-- please see the
>>>>> "Distributing AOO 3.4: The 22 things we need to do before we announce"
>>>>> thread...Rob's last comments...
>>>> I can create also a webpage with links to all checksums. Shouldn't be
>>>> a problem.
>>> Link to the signatures on /dist/. These are the trusted source. The
>>> page should explain how to verify the sigs. There are many examples.
>> The checksums file is ready:
>> http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/checksums_new_dl.html
>> Just the part "How to use checksums?" needs to be filled with text. I'll
>> do this tomorrow.
> you missed the *.asc signature files that are even more important to check
> the files.
> As I mentioned in another email, we could change the link
> "MD5 checksum" with 4 links ASC MD5 SHA1 SHA512
> The download button has all information in place to create the package name
> and Url part.
> We have to use simply
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/aoo-closer.cgi/incubator/ooo/ + <Url part> +
> <packagename> + [.asc|.md5|.sha1|.sha512]

I don't think that will work.  That URL would point to hash files on a
mirror.  We need to point to the copy under

Why?  Because one purpose of the hashes is to protect against a
compromised mirror.  If a hacker got onto a mirror they could easily
change an install file and change the hash files at the same time.  So
we always want to point to the hashes on a trusted server, i.e.,

> to guide everything on the Apache mirrors
> Juergen
>>>>>> Sorry if my questions are already answered somewhere, it's easy to
>>>>>> miss
>>>>>> some mails at the moment.
>>>>> No problem...there's a LOT going on...
>>>> To be honest, I think I've lost a litle bit the plot. I don't know
>>>> exactly which webpages we want, which links on them, to which
>>>> mirrors. And what are the exceptions. ;-(
>>> Sorry.
>>>> So, I've updated our Wikipage (see the bottom) to get the overview
>>>> back. Even if this is not relevant for a longer time, it should be
>>>> helpful for the next weeks:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+3.4+Distribution+Tasks
>>>> To the best of my knowledge, so please make changes if something is
>>>> wrong.
>>> I changed the source over to the Apache Mirrors.
>> OK
>>> I think that the SDKs should be on the Apache mirrors, but then I can
>>> also see good reasons to leave it alone.
>> I have it now for the SF mirrors. However, no problem to change the URLs
>> to ASF mirrors.
>> Marcus
>>> I want to mark item 10 done when ROb is done editing.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Marcus
>>>>>> On 5/1/12 6:22 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 3:46 AM, Regina
>>>>>>> Henschel<rb.henschel@t-online.**de<rb.hensc...@t-online.de>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Kay,
>>>>>>>> Kay Schenk schrieb:
>>>>>>>> Regina--
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for all this work. Please see comments inline below...
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Regina
>>>>>>>>> Henschel<rb.henschel@t-online.*
>>>>>>>>> ***
>>>>>>>>> de<rb.hensc...@t-online.de>>**wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> my test results are below, all on German WinXP Home, SP3.
>>>>>>>>>> [..]
>>>>>>>>> With Opera 11.62
>>>>>>>>>> =============================
>>>>>>>>>> Calling
>>>>>>>>>> http://ooo-site.staging.****apac**he.org/download/test/**<**
>>>>>>>>>> http://apache.org/download/**test/**<http://apache.org/download/test/**>
>>>>>>>>>> index_new_dl.html<http://ooo-****site.staging.apache.org/**
>>>>>>>>>> download/test/index_new_dl.****html<http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/**index_new_dl.html<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>>>> The green download box is missing totally.
>>>>>>>>>> Calling
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.openoffice.org/******download/test/analyze.html<http://www.openoffice.org/****download/test/analyze.html>
>>>>>>>>>> <htt**p://www.openoffice.org/****download/test/analyze.html<http://www.openoffice.org/**download/test/analyze.html>
>>>>>>>>>> <htt**p://www.openoffice.org/****download/test/analyze.html<http://www.openoffice.org/**download/test/analyze.html>
>>>>>>>>>> <ht**tp://www.openoffice.org/**download/test/analyze.html<http://www.openoffice.org/download/test/analyze.html>
>>>>>>>>>> results in
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.platform: Win32
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.UserAgent: Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; de)
>>>>>>>>>> Presto/2.10.229
>>>>>>>>>> Version/11.62
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.UserAgent lower case: opera/9.80 (windows nt 5.1; u; de)
>>>>>>>>>> presto/2.10.229 version/11.62
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.UserAgent lower case: -1
>>>>>>>>>> getLink(): undefined
>>>>>>>>>> getPlatform(): Windows
>>>>>>>>>> getLanguage(): German
>>>>>>>>>> window.location.href http://www.openoffice.org/**
>>>>>>>>>> download/test/analyze.html<**htt**p://www.openoffice.org/**
>>>>>>>>>> download/test/analyze.html<htt**p://www.openoffice.org/**
>>>>>>>>>> download/test/analyze.html<http://www.openoffice.org/download/test/analyze.html>
>>>>>>>>>>> navigator.platform Win32
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.platform.******toLowerCase() win32
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.userAgent Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; de)
>>>>>>>>>> Presto/2.10.229
>>>>>>>>>> Version/11.62
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.userAgent.******toLowerCase() opera/9.80 (windows nt
>>>>>>>>>> 5.1;
>>>>>>>>>> u;
>>>>>>>>>> de) presto/2.10.229 version/11.62
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.language de
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.userLanguage de
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.systemLanguage undefined
>>>>>>>>>> navigator.javaEnabled() Yes
>>>>>>>>>> OK -- well this is NOT good, but what kind of results do you
>>>>>>>>>> get with
>>>>>>>>> Opera
>>>>>>>>> for:
>>>>>>>>> http://www.openoffice.org/****download/legacy/<http://www.openoffice.org/**download/legacy/>
>>>>>>>>> <http://www.**openoffice.org/download/**legacy/<http://www.openoffice.org/download/legacy/>
>>>>>>>>> same thing or ????
>>>>>>>> Yes, same error. The green box is missing.
>>>>>>> OK -- well I feel a little better at least. I don't know what it
>>>>>>> is about
>>>>>>> JS and Opera but I know when Marcus and I were working on
>>>>>>> something a few
>>>>>>> years ago, we had a LOT of problems with Opera.
>>>>>>>> Despite the fact that Opera is supposed to be the most W3 compliant
>>>>>>>>> browser, I know folks have had issues with it...
>>>>>>>>> [..]
>>>>>>>> I see JavaScript errors in the 'Fehlerkonsole', besides some
>>>>>>>> messages
>>>>>>>> about CSS, copy&paste below.
>>>>>>> yeah-- nothing fatal... OK
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> Regina
>>>>>>>> [01.05.2012 12:44:46] CSS - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/css/ooo.css<http://**ooo-site.staging.apache.org/**
>>>>>>>> css/ooo.css<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/css/ooo.css>>
>>>>>>>> Linked-in stylesheet
>>>>>>>> -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
>>>>>>>> Line 276:
>>>>>>>> -moz-border-radius: 0 0 10px 0;
>>>>>>>> ---------------------^
>>>>>>>> [01.05.2012 12:44:46] CSS - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/css/ooo.css<http://**ooo-site.staging.apache.org/**
>>>>>>>> css/ooo.css<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/css/ooo.css>>
>>>>>>>> Linked-in stylesheet
>>>>>>>> -moz-border-radius is an unknown property
>>>>>>>> Line 328:
>>>>>>>> -moz-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0;
>>>>>>>> ---------------------^
>>>>>>>> [01.05.2012 12:44:46] CSS - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/css/ooo.css<http://**ooo-site.staging.apache.org/**
>>>>>>>> css/ooo.css<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/css/ooo.css>>
>>>>>>>> Linked-in stylesheet
>>>>>>>> Selector syntax error
>>>>>>>> Line 470:
>>>>>>>> img { border: 0px; }
>>>>>>>> -----^
>>>>>>>> [25.01.1970 07:34:22] JavaScript - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/****download_new_dl.js<http://apache.org/download/test/**download_new_dl.js>
>>>>>>>> <http://ooo-**site.staging.apache.org/**download/test/download_new_dl.**
>>>>>>>> js<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/download_new_dl.js>
>>>>>>>> Linked script compilation
>>>>>>>> Syntax error at line 883 while loading: expected ';', got '304'
>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
>>>>>>>> ---------^
>>>>>>>> [25.03.1970 11:30:57] JavaScript - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/****languages_new_dl.js<http://apache.org/download/test/**languages_new_dl.js>
>>>>>>>> <http://**ooo-site.staging.apache.org/**download/test/languages_new_**
>>>>>>>> dl.js<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/languages_new_dl.js>
>>>>>>>> Linked script compilation
>>>>>>>> Syntax error at line 104 while loading: expected ';', got '200'
>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>>>>>>> ---------^
>>>>>>>> [25.03.1970 11:30:57] JavaScript - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/****download_new_mirrorbrain.js<http://apache.org/download/test/**download_new_mirrorbrain.js>
>>>>>>>> <ht**tp://ooo-site.staging.apache.**org/download/test/download_**
>>>>>>>> new_mirrorbrain.js<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/download_new_mirrorbrain.js>
>>>>>>>> Linked script compilation
>>>>>>>> Syntax error at line 595 while loading: expected ';', got '304'
>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
>>>>>>>> ---------^
>>>>>>>> [01.05.2012 12:44:47] JavaScript - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/scripts/****entourage.js<http://apache.org/download/scripts/**entourage.js>
>>>>>>>> <http://ooo-site.**staging.apache.org/download/**scripts/entourage.js<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/scripts/entourage.js>
>>>>>>>> Das verlinkte Skript wurde nicht geladen.
>>>>>>>> [01.05.2012 12:44:47] CSS - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/****index_new_dl.html<http://apache.org/download/test/**index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> <http://ooo-**site.staging.apache.org/**download/test/index_new_dl.**
>>>>>>>> html<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> HTML style attribute
>>>>>>>> relative is an unknown property
>>>>>>>> Line 1:
>>>>>>>> relative; margin: 14px 0 0 0; height: 24px;
>>>>>>>> ---------^
>>>>>>>> [01.05.2012 12:44:47] CSS - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/****index_new_dl.html<http://apache.org/download/test/**index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> <http://ooo-**site.staging.apache.org/**download/test/index_new_dl.**
>>>>>>>> html<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> HTML style attribute
>>>>>>>> Declaration syntax error
>>>>>>>> Line 1:
>>>>>>>> relative; margin: 14px 0 0 0; height: 24px;
>>>>>>>> ---------^
>>>>>>>> [18.03.1970 15:40:44] JavaScript - http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/****index_new_dl.html<http://apache.org/download/test/**index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> <http://ooo-**site.staging.apache.org/**download/test/index_new_dl.**
>>>>>>>> html<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> Inline script thread
>>>>>>>> Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: getLink
>>>>>>>> Error thrown at line 3, column 2 in http://ooo-site.staging.**
>>>>>>>> apache.org/download/test/****index_new_dl.html<http://apache.org/download/test/**index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> <http://ooo-**site.staging.apache.org/**download/test/index_new_dl.**
>>>>>>>> html<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_new_dl.html>
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> LINK = getLink( VERSION, MIRROR, SCHEMA );
>>>>>>> Thanks again for you help...moving on to other things now...still
>>>>>>> much to
>>>>>>> do

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