Hi all,

Anaphraseus (http://anaphraseus.sourceforge.net/ ) is a CAT (*C*omputer *A*ided
*T*ranslation) extension which fits entirely into the Writer UI.

It allows to perform translations directly in Writer and can be connected
with an external translation machine as GoogleTranslate, MS Translate or

To give you an idea of what can/can't be done actually with it, I post the
two following files :

   - ana_fr : original tutorial in french (draft)
   - ana_en : translation made with Anaphraseus connected to Google
   Translate. Sorry for the lot of mistakes, I'm not an en/us writer, but the
   results are very interesting when you proceed the translation in your own
   language www.softenpoche.com/sep/ana_en.odt.

Have a nice week



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