A lot of content  on wiki/website is out of date.  It makes people
confused and not easy to get involved.

2012/5/7 Kevin Grignon <kevingrignon...@gmail.com>:
> Hello All,
> It appears that some content on the AOO user experience project wiki (
> http://www.openoffice.org/ux/) is somewhat dated and has lost relevance.
> In reviewing the wiki, some of the UX backlog content is still relevant and
> should be retained. However, other content, including: activities, to do
> lists, and UX community membership are in need of a refresh.
> I propose that we clean up the UX wiki, archive non-relevant content,
> harvest actionable and relevant backlog items, and start fresh. The goal is
> the quickly refresh the wiki, re-establish our UX community, and move
> forward together on the future design direction for AOO.
> Please share any thoughts or concerns, I will begin the refresh on Monday,
> May, 14th, 2012.
> Best regards,
> Kevin

Best Regards
>From aliu...@gmail.com

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