I'm not by any stretch the community manager of this new project, AOO,
but am like many of you on this list part of it, a member. And as we are
shouting out and offering praise, I'd like to thank the community and
the Apache group for what has been accomplished.

The reviews keep pouring in. Do a simple Google search and you'll see
what I mean. And they have been trending positive, at least as of last
night, -0500 UTC.

The first year is always the hardest, as we have to find our roles and
discover the ways to collaborate with the others--and also to learn what
has to be done in all regards, from infrastructure, code, governance,
and identity.

For me, it was an odd and sometimes difficult year, as I discovered how
much I'd invested--emotionally, intellectually, socially--in OpenOffice.
That it has come out so well and that the product I use every day (and
which never crashes on me) is showing itself renewed, refreshed is
terrific. But even better is that the collaborators working on it have
formed and are forming a real community, one whose governance is open
and transparent, one in which evident merit marked by doing is the true
measure and one in which everyone is eligible to show their merits.

Thanks then not only to Andrew R. and the mentors, but to those who make
up the actuality of the Apache way by doing.


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