Big thanks from me, too. ^_*'

On 01.05.10 11:33pm, Dave Fisher said:
> +1M!
> On May 10, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> before we (the AOO project) move on with future work (and we have a lot in 
>> front of us) I would nevertheless send a big THANK YOU to the infra 
>> structure team.
>> The infra team had a lot of extra work with our project because of our 
>> additional and special requirements to migrate a very huge existing infra 
>> structure to Apache. This important piece of work is often not mentioned but 
>> was a very huge task in our project over the last 10 month and the infra 
>> structure team have supported us very well. Thanks to all who was involved 
>> here.
>> We have learned from each other and we as project has benefit from the 
>> collaboration with the infra team. And I am sure we will in the future as 
>> well.
>> From a project perspective we will hopefully be able to find more volunteers 
>> who are able to support the infra team/project with future and further 
>> maintenance work related to specific things for our project but also to 
>> support infra in general.
>> Thanks to all
>> Juergen
>> PS: I don't know how many beers I have to pay when we are hopefully can meet 
>> in person in the near future ;-)

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <>

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