Juergen Schmidt wrote:
>  don't know but I assume full install sets . I would like to detailed numbers 
> as much as possible.
>> > 
>> > 2) It is easy to produce downloads by language and platform, since our
>> > installs are already defined that way. But I can also report
>> > per-country. Is that interesting to anyone? For example, in Canada,
>> > the most popular downloads are X, Y, Z.
>> > 
>> > 
> again I would like to have detailed numbers. We can produce nice statistics 
> and graphs ;-) 


Would you want those from OOo or current? I presume current, and we can
even make these accurate. I should think that for OOo, your best bet
really is to look to the DE project's, BR-PT's, ES, if they have
them--Alexandro might?, or Richard Holt, or others in Red.es or
Cenatic--and PLIO, for Italy.

(Other locations and languages would also be obtainable, I'd guess, but
... why?)

Maho might also have data still for JA, which usually demonstrated
itself to be immensely into downloading and using and doing good work
with OOo. :-)

Finally, we all do need to keep in mind the simple fact that those with
Windows usually will have to download OO, but those with Linux... oh,
wait. My, what an interesting new situation. Even so for Mac.




Louis Suárez-Potts, PhD
President, Age of Peers, Inc.

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