On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Nancy K <nancythirt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there an alt description that can be added to the image link?  Search 
> engines aren't smart enough to 'read' a picture/image - so the text within 
> the picture makes no difference to the ranking - that is where the 'alt' 
> description in the image source (src) comes in to play. This also allows 
> OpenOffice to place the kind of information they want the search engines to 
> rank all within the link - which adds to SEO trust.
> <img src=" 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/27834483/get-aoo-300x100-cf.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331970198000 ";
>  width="300" height="100"alt="Free complete Open Office official download 
> site "/> (The words you use are BEST after a keyword research - after that 
> Google analytics takes place for awhile - I just placed a suggestion here).

Good point.  alt text is good for accessibility as well.   So we
should include some sample HTML that can be used for embedded this
into a webpage.


> When a search engine sees alt descriptions such as 'get itfree' or 'try it 
> free' (the current MS download trial button alt words) - they are missing out 
> on the benefits of added SEO.  The search engines that read 'try openoffice 
> now' where openoffice replaces 'it' are small but important ways to add to 
> seo page ranking. You can write 'get it here' on the website, just code the 
> <img src="" alt="something that says openoffice">
> I checked some of the back links to openoffice.org by typing the following 
> into the Google Search box.  Taking the links should send you to the page 
> that includes a link to openoffice.org(using openoffice.org here - but any 
> page you want to check works).  The page has some options listed on the left 
> - but the filter doesn't seem as good as the one you get in Google Analytics
> link:openoffice.org
>      Nancy      Web Design
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> ________________________________
>  From: Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Cc: tradema...@apache.org
> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 7:45 AM
> Subject: [PROPOSAL] "Get it here" community download promotion program
> We get regular requests from individuals and companies that want to
> add a link to the AOO download, and to use the logo with it.  These
> range from websites of individual users, to websites that aggregate
> download links for many open source projects.
> Currently, requesting and receiving such permission requires a request
> to the PMC, approval and then additional approval by the Apache VP
> Branding.
> I'd like to propose a streamlined approach where we can give blanket
> permission, without an additional request, for using a specific logo
> (the one that Drew designed) for a specific download situation.  If
> there are no objections from the PMC, and we get a +1 from
> Trademarks@, I'll write this up on the website.
> =Use of the Apache OpenOffice Download Promotion Logo=
> Anyone, without additional permission from this project, may use the
> following logo subject to the following conditions:
> The logo:  
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/27834483/get-aoo-300x100-cf.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331970198000
> [NB. We should move this to a more memorable location]
> Conditions:
> 1. The logo may not be modified except to resize it.  If translations
> of the "Get it here!" text are required, send a request to the ooo-dev
> list and we can provide a translated version for you.
> 2. The image must be linked to one of:
> a) the http://www.openoffice.org webpage
> b) one of the official Native Language pages at openoffice.org, e.g.,
> http://de.openoffice.org
> c) the download page for Apache OpenOffice:
> http://download.openoffice.org or
> http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html
> 3. The logo must not link to a specific download file or mirror.  This
> causes problems with load balancing and fallbacks and may prevent
> users from getting the latest version of OpenOffice.
> 4. Any use Apache-owned logos beyond the above is not covered by this
> program an must be explicitly requested from the ASF.

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