Raphael Bircher wrote:
> Am 14.05.12 00:11, schrieb Steven Ball:
>> Are you working on a version of OpenOffice for iOS?
> No, there are ODF Viewers from IBM. But I don't know, maybe sameone will
> work on this.
> Greetings Raphael

Not sure if Steven is subscribed, so am cc'ing him. But to add to what
R. wrote: there are several independent groups working on iOS (iPad)
editors for ODF files, which AOO uses by default. One does not need the
whole application on an mobile (egad) but having some editing
functionality is a good thing. The point would be to save files one edited.

There is also rollApp, which offers the entire suite via browser / html5
for iPad. It's in beta. But the demonstration showed at the recent ODF
plugfest in Brussels evidenced fairly fast response. Conjoined with a
remote storage server (eg, Dropbox), one can use a mobile to view/edit
and save ODF files via an interface  (AOO) that is familiar.\

For readers, I have tried them all (that are publicly available) and
recommend Symphony. (No, not an IBM employee am I.) There is also my
prior favourite, FileApp Pro, and then there are some others that may or
may not still be around. (I had checked last year around this time,
though I only tested out Symphony's iOS app a few weeks ago, in Brussels.)

Finally, there is a lot of very belated activity on this front. I think
everyone has been waiting for the right moment, to see if a) there is
actually a call for mobile devices that can do things besides show
entertainment and b) if the big vendors were able to act on the supposed
demand (I believe, and always have, that there is real demand: if only
to look at schools). Apple has made iWorks available for iPad (and
iPHone) for some time, and it integrates with its cloud. The laggard was
and remains, oddly, Microsoft. Or perhaps not so oddly.

So, I'd expect there to be a shock of strong contenders for ODF editors
on the iPad H2 (after July) this year. It's not that they must run the
entire suite; it's that they must be abel to do good enough. And the
vendors/projects making these may very well not be using AOO (or not
only) but other ODF editors, as well.


Louis Suárez-Potts
PPMC Member
Apache OpenOffice

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