
On 05/16/12 15:07, Kay Schenk wrote:

On 05/16/2012 11:48 AM, � wrote:
Dear Confused,

My reply is long; short answer: Porting evolved, and there were those
builds maintained by Sun for its clients and then there were those
initiated and maintained by the community. Over time, the roster of
Sun-maintained ports changed. I can give a bigger history of
this�it's kind of interesting, if you are really bored�:-)

well I am not quite THAT bored at the moment. ;)

Thanks for all this. Yes, it did help. Our current situation, as with any open source project, is that you can only *build* what you can sustain.

Mostly I was asking about this to try to get a feel for what we should include as "official" builds vs not.

Considering Maho and Pedro (with FreeBSD) and Dario (OS/2) are involved with the project as committers, why wouldn't we include these builds on the mirrors? And, we have a Solaris participant as well now.

There are technical reasons: mostly that I don't want to add FreeBSD specific
hacks until the build structure is in better shape (with the gnumake4 CWS

There's also the issue that FreeBSD users know very well where to get AOO:
we don't really have the multiple distributors issue that plagues linux and we
can take care better of the dependency on system library versions.

In the future we would certainly like to set up a buildbot with trunk, which will
be interesting since FreeBSD is throwing away gcc in favor of clang for
FreeBSD 10.


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