
2012/5/18 Paulo de Souza Lima <paulo.s.l...@varekai.org>

> 2012/5/18 Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com>
> > On 5/18/12 10:32 AM, Kevin Grignon wrote:
> >
> >> Erik,
> >>
> >> Good stuff. Will do.
> >>
> >
> > do we really need such a separate page for UX community members? I don't
> > think so and I personally think it goes in the wrong direction.
> >
> There's nothing to loose, in my view. But I wouldn't call UX a "community".
> I would call it a "team".
True. :)

> > I am personally interested in many different areas of the project and
> > don't want to put my name on X different pages. My contribution in the
> > different areas will be also different and will change from time to time.
> >
> If you are interested in many areas (just like me) you are free to decide
> if you will place your name in all of them, or none. I don't see a problem
> with that. But if I am deeply involved with some project, I would like to
> place my name on it, for sure. Also, it's important from the user's point
> of view, to know who are the contacts for the issues they have. And a new
> contributor who wishes to have a larger involvement with the UX activities
> (and others too) should be able to identify who else is involved.
> >
> > Such a page doesn't really reflect who is doing the work and is
> > potentially misleading.
> >
> Again, I don't think so. Indeed, it doesn't reflect who is doing the job,
> but it gives a clue. It would be worst if users have no clue about that.
> And Mediawiki has features that can give stronger clues. It's matter of
> creating some sort of workflow. If there's a workflow, anyone can drive his
> task, without the need of a "coordinator". I could give you an example we
> done in LibO, but I preffer to show you our own example in AOO: Me and Raul
> are about to finish a workflow for PT-BR document translations page which
> is working very fine in LibO and we will make it work here too. When
> finished, anyone will be able to choose a document, translate it, submit it
> for revise, revise translation, and all the work of every contributor will
> be recorded.
> This could be automated in certain level if we had a better wiki as I have
> asked for some days ago.
> >
> > We have already a general project page with project members that doesn't
> > reflect the current situation in the project.
> >
> I agree to this point, but I think a general list "too general" for the
> average people. We should think about giving fast answers to AOO users,
> instead making them navigate through uncountable pages to find what they
> want. Do you have any idea of how difficult is for people to fill an issue
> in bugzilla, for example? Findind documentation either. And it's worst for
> those who can't read/write in English.
> >
> > In general such pages are useless from my point of view and get outdated
> > very fast.
> >
> My personal/professional experience points to another direction. If UX has
> enthusiastic volunteers who take the task to themselves, they will take
> care of their workspace. And I think there are very enthusiastic people at
> this moment. And they wish to do that, but it will be useless if UX
> couldn't count on devs to hear what they have to say, because UX should be
> the channel between users and devs. The enthusiasm can go down very
> quickly.
> >
> > Just my 2 ct
> >
> >
> Mine too.


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