On 20.05.2012 13:30, Armin Le Grand wrote:
Hi Pavel,

Pavel Janík<pa...@janik.cz>  wrote:

WaE = Warning as Error.

or Warnings Are Errors.

Gcc option -Werror: Make all warnings into errors.

With this option turned on, all warnings are made into errors. Our long
term goal is to make gcc silent.

Ah, yes, I remember now. We spent some time on this years ago, but never
coud make the whole code WaE-safe.

I thought that most of non-binfilter code was WaE-safe.

Anyway, we should still try to keep/make our code WaE-safe. It can only improve its quality.

Despite that, it's good to work on it;
sometimes this gives good hints at weird code.

These issues are not errors per se, but e.g.:

@@ -1330,6 +1331,7 @@

  void ImpSdrGDIMetaFileImport::DoAction(MetaWallpaperAction&  rAct)
Please just comment /*rAct*/
+    (void) rAct;
      OSL_ENSURE(false, "Tried to construct SdrObject from
MetaWallpaperAction: not supported (!)");

This means that rAct is unused in the method. gcc warns about it.

This change:

@@ -1384,6 +1388,7 @@
                  case GRADIENT_ELLIPTICAL: aXGradientStyle = XGRAD_ELLIPTICAL; 
                  case GRADIENT_SQUARE: aXGradientStyle = XGRAD_SQUARE; break;
                  case GRADIENT_RECT: aXGradientStyle = XGRAD_RECT; break;
+               default: break;
Hmm. I do not have the code at hand right now, cannot tell until monday.

              const XFillGradientItem aXFillGradientItem(

means that some enum value is forgotten in the switch.

This change:

-                            for(sal_uInt32 y(0); y<  pOld->Height(); y++)
+                            for(sal_Int32 y(0); y<  pOld->Height(); y++)
Please change to sal_uInt32

Why? Does not look like y could become negative (assuming that pOld->Height() is also a sal_uInt32.

means that we were comparing signed and unsigned value.

I do not know if these changes are OK, thus I send the patch as I used to
make the module WaE free.

I have not seen a patch. If you have one, please send again (maybe
directly) and I'll happily take a look on monday. I'm currently not
compiling on gcc, so I will not be able to guarantee, though.

Hope this helps.

P.S. Of course warnings differ between compilers and sometims the changes look 
weird etc.

Yes, I remember now. Do you have a good solution for swich..case where not
all missing entries would have to be listed?

Pavel has already done that above (add "default: break;" to your switch statement.

Who will check in the changes?


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