On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2012-05-20, at 21:22 , Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 7:02 PM, Wolf Halton <wolf.hal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Miss Cubilla, isn't certifying a platform usable with a software the
>>> responsibility of the hardware manufacturer? Perhaps I do not understand
>>> the request.
>> If I had to guess, Acer needs to be sure that it has permission to
>> copy and redistribute the AOO software.  The attachment (stripped when
>> sent to the list, but I have a copy as moderator) was a permission
>> that Microsoft granted for X copies of Office that must be fulfilled
>> via an authorized Microsoft OEM licensee.
>> Of course, we have no such OEM restrictions with AOO.  The license
>> permits anyone to copy, modify and redistribute.  In particular,  Acer
>> can source directly from us, or from any 3rd party if it is convenient
>> to have someone provide additional testing or patch support.
> My experience has also been that government agencies refuse to have anything 
> to do with software unless it passes all the license and operational tests 
> proprietary software sold by a single vendor does. Put another way, it's 
> difficult for these public sector institutions to adopt open source software 
> because it deviates from the very narrow range of permissible options. I've 
> encountered this situation many times, in countries all around the world, 
> including Canada, those of South East Asia, and so on.
> Acer might be able to help her out. But I'd be quite interested to work with 
> her to see if she can still satisfy the government requisites. The fact that 
> the Apache Foundation is a separate and independent foundation with legal 
> status will help her and others in similar situations, but if not this 
> government then others, I know, will likely want to be able to assign 
> liability and other faults to an identifiable legal entity.
> I'd be curious how Apache deals or has dealt with other similar situations. 
> My guess—from downloading enough Apache software in my time—is by not making 
> any claim, save caveat emptor.

Europe has the IDABC eGovernment procurement guidelines that take in
notice the procurement for free open source software.

> -louis
>> -Rob
>>>> Thanks for contacting us. As someone who has long championed the use of
>>>> OpenOffice in education, and specifically on netbooks and other portable
>>>> and mobile devices, I'm delighted to learn of your tender. You probably
>>>> know this, and if you do, my apologies, Apache OpenOffice is free to use
>>>> and distribute as you will and is licensed under the Apache License v.2.
>>>> I have not tried Apache OpenOffice 3.4 on the Acer Travelmate. My guess is
>>>> that it works fine. However, issuing a statement to that effect, as a
>>>> "System Builder," may pose some logistical problems, as we are an open
>>>> source project composed of numerous groups operating within the Apache
>>>> Software Foundation.
>>>> But your request is important. I'd like therefore to see if this solution
>>>> works for you and the government: A request to test Apache OpenOffice 3.4
>>>> (for Linux, Windows 7, 8) be filed. As we are not a company as such, at
>>>> least not in the ways that Microsoft is, actually obtaining the Acer
>>>> netbooks for the testing could be a problem. Further, there is no saying
>>>> when the test on the Acer machines would be done, as it would depend upon
>>>> the availability of resources. We do not profit from Acer's use of AOO,
>>>> from your distribution or any company's, at least not directly.
>>>> Do you have any we can test? Are you perhaps in contact with Acer and able
>>>> to connect us to that company, so that they can test the application on any
>>>> of their devices? (Joining the project is not hard; we would welcome your
>>>> participation and also that of Acer.)
>>>> Alternatively, perhaps you or your colleagues might find it actually
>>>> fastest to install AOO 3.4 (in Spanish) on the machines?
>>>> The government may not approve of such a manoeuvre, as you are not the
>>>> System Builder. But by joining Apache and participating, even in a modest
>>>> way, say by describing what your company is doing and planning, you can
>>>> effectively become part of the community building the application.
>>>> These are the possibilities that may help you at this stage. I would
>>>> suggest you write to us soonest with more ideas on how you wish to proceed.
>>>> Again, your efforts are laudable and praiseworthy. But you are not alone.
>>>> Portugal has gone through something similar—I can put you in touch with the
>>>> principal agents there—as has Brazil. And there are other countries in
>>>> Europe whose sub-national governments have also considered or are deploying
>>>> OpenOffice on education-ready netbooks. (Norway has used Intel education
>>>> netbooks, for instance.)
>>>> Finally, you wrote to a very public list. You can find archives publicly
>>>> available via the usual search engines. Your message has no particularly
>>>> personal content, so rest assured. But do expect that my colleagues will
>>>> likely also respond—indeed, I see that Alexandro has already done that.
>>>> By the way, I am curious if your company would also be providing the
>>>> education offices support?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Louis Suárez-Potts
>>>> Apache OpenOffice PPMC
>>>> PS, Lo escribió en inglés por que es la convención por estas listas
>>>> abiertas.
>>>> On 2012-05-18, at 17:50 , Veronica Cubilla wrote:
>>>>> Who may concern:
>>>>> Regards from Panama!!
>>>>> This is Veronica Cubilla from Cubix Panama (www.cubixlat.com ) an
>>>> International Wholesaler who participated with a VAR in a tender of 17,800
>>>> laptops with Education Minister in Panama that will be used by teachers.
>>>> One of the requirements of this tender was to include in the proposal Open
>>>> Office.
>>>>> The laptop we proposed was the Acer Travelmate P243 which have 320GB of
>>>> HDD.  What we need for you is a Certification Letter for Acer  as a System
>>>> Builder who can replicate your software in this laptop, using Apache Open
>>>> Office 3.4.
>>>>> If you need any other information about this tender you can see it in:
>>>> http://www.panamacompra.gob.pa/ambientepublico/VistaPreviaCP.aspx?NumLc=2012-0-07-0-08-AV-008941&esap=1&nnc=1&it=1,
>>>> where you can also find Microsoft letter certificating the usage of Win 7
>>>> Pro (which is attached).
>>>>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>>>>> <image001.jpg>

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