Well, the intent for AOOo from the very beginning was to provide an ALv2
licensed version of the OOo codebase for *all* codebases in the OOo
ecosystem to be able to consume. The very fact that LO and TDF are
also implying that this makes sense by admitting that they will be
AOOo consumers is nice.

Of course, doing all that while at the same time trying to also
"deride" the Apache license puts them in that precarious position
where they have to try to have their cake and eat it too. But be
that as it may, the fact is that AOOo is succeeding in being
the common core of the OOo ecosystem, which was one of the goals
from the very beginning. LO and TDF are simply trying to spin
things so that this success of AOOo is minimized, while at the
same time taking advantage of the success. If they want their fork
to be under some other license, so what? That's the beauty of the

On May 23, 2012, at 3:58 PM, Donald Whytock wrote:

> Um, guys?  As this concerns a LibreOffice webpage over which the AOO
> committers largely have no control, is it better to have this argument
> here or on a LibreOffice-related list?
> Don

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