Hi Alexander,

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 06:11:49PM +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> Le 26/05/12 01:59, drew a écrit :
> Hi Drew,
> > 
> > I believe you missed an earlier decision by the group - that extension
> > is no longer supported. No reason really to open a bug report.
> No, I didn't ;-) but hell, I thought that seeing as it is still being
> provided for download on the AOOo extensions site and that nothing on
> there in relation to it says that it will probably no longer work, there
> is an expectation by people who previously used OOo and then upgrade to
> AOOo that the connector will continue to function.

It looks like the owner of the account that uploaded that extensions is
Oracle http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/mysql_connector
so changing this is beyond the Apache OpenOffice Project, in Ccing
ooo-dev so that Andrew Rist, from Oracle, gets informed about this

> In other words :
> - if it is supposed to work, then the project should attempt to ensure
> that it continues to work ;

If the bug is on the extension itself, AOO developers could fix the C++
code that was granted by Oracle to the ASF, but we cannot build it nor
relase it: the extension relies on LGPL (the C++ connector) and GPL (the
C connector) components.

> - if it is not supposed to work, then the project should either put up,
> as a minimum, the fact that it is no longer supported on the extensions
> website, or else pull the extension completely - obviously, pulling the
> extension would upset those who still may have a use for OOo 3.2.1 or
> 3.3.0 (myself included).
> So I suppose, ultimately, the problem is one of communication by the
> AOOo project to the broader slice of the unwitting population less
> knowledgable about the decisions made earlier on in the year.

It seems people *do* still download that extension:
Downloads: Today: 100 | Week: 1,612 | Month: 5,404 | Year: 230,495

I think that a good solution would be to upload a new version with the
description.xml modified to include a MAXIMAL version:

    <OpenOffice.org-minimal-version value="3.1" d:name="OpenOffice.org 3.1"/>
    <OpenOffice.org-maximal-version value="3.3" d:name="OpenOffice.org 3.3"/>

This will make the extension impossible to be installed in AOO >= 3.4

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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