On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 10:40 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2012, at 7:18 PM, Jihui Choi wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Alexandro Colorado <j...@oooes.org> wrote:
>>> When you install it you agreed to open doc files in OpenOffice
>> Basically installing AOO doesn't mean we agreed to open MS office
>> formats in AOO.
>> And it's supposed there's an option page to choose whether we'll open
>> them in AOO or not.
>> But I couldn't find any similar option. I installed AOO 3.4 twice to
>> check this on Windows 7 32bit.
>> It's very strange and shame. It should be checked and fixed.
> I am unsure from your statement Choi (is it proper to use the second name in 
> conversation?) whether you were confirming the user's report.
> If what the reporter says is true then this needs to be a bugzilla and 
> possible blocker for 3.4.1. How is this being tested on Windows? And is the 
> result that installing AOO 3.4 on it does in fact cause (or even has as a 
> default) the shifting of MS Office document types to be opened with AOO 
> instead of MS Office. If MS Office is present then this must not be the the 
> default option.
> The check must not be implicit to the user who just clicks continue and 
> accept buttons through the WIndows installation process. Users must 
> explicitly choose to have AOO override MS Office for MS Office documents.

Making the opposite default could be wrong as well.  For example, the
user could have had one of those 30-day trial versions of MS Office
that are commonly bundled with new PC's.  The trial expires and they
install AOO.  If we don't default to taking the file extensions, then
the user is left in a tough position.

Ideally we'd have a dialog the user could reach both in the install
and in the product where they could see what app currently owns each
file extension and then switch the owner.  So they could assign an
extension to AOO, but also change their mind and set it back to MS
Office if they wanted.

> Regards,
> Dave
>> --
>> Regards,
>> JiHui Choi

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