On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Nicolas Christener
<nicolas.christe...@adfinis-sygroup.ch> wrote:
> Hi all :)
> It's time for a new OpenSolaris/SPARC build of AOO 3.4 :)
> http://adfinis-sygroup.ch/aoo-solaris-sparc
> This is an unofficial build we provide "as is" and without any warranty.
> This build is "smoke tested" and should work in general.
> The two issues we were aware of in the older build should be fixed in
> this build:
> * https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119263
> * https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119332
> We would like to thank everyone who helped us to get those builds
> ready! Thanks to Raphael Bircher for his excellent input about testing
> and building - you were an awesome help!
> Thanks to Herbert Dürr to point us into the right direction concerning
> the "Find & Replace" bug (as promised I'll try to take a look at the
> optimization issue as soon as possible!).
> And finally thanks to the OpenOffice Community for the big effort! :)
> The build scripts which show the used parameters can be found here:
> http://adfinis-sygroup.ch/file-exchange-public/tag-AOO340/build.sh.txt
> http://adfinis-sygroup.ch/file-exchange-public/tag-AOO340/env.sh.txt
> We will try to build upcoming releases and do this as part of our work
> for our customers which run OpenOffice on Solaris. If you're interested
> in services around AOO, don't hesitate to contact us. We are looking
> forward to working for AOO in the future :)
> We would be happy to receive any suggestions for improvement and
> appreciate any feedback.


Would you like more public awareness of this test build?   Do you want
to find more users to help test?

If you are interested (and willing) I'd be happy to do an email
interview with you for a blog post.  Questions would be related to
your work on the AOO Solaris port, why this is important to your
company, what kind of users do you have, why the move to Apache is a
good thing, etc.  It can be a "group interview" if there is more than
one person who wants to answer.


> kind regards
> Nicolas Christener
> --
> Adfinis SyGroup AG
> Nicolas Christener, Bereichsleiter Software-Entwicklung
> Keltenstrasse 98, CH-3018 Bern

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