On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Paolo Pozzan <pa...@z2z.it> wrote:
> Il 08/06/2012 15:54, Rob Weir ha scritto:
>> A "Content Experiment" is when we create several version of the same
>> web page and test it with users to see which version performs best.
>> Google Analystics has a feature where it can run such experiments for
>> us automatically, tracking all the statistics for us, and telling us
>> which version of a page gives the optimal results.
>> One particular scenario I think we could really improve on is what I
>> call the "Windows Unrecognized ODF File" scenario.  It goes like this;
> [cut]
>> So here is the experiment.  Let's try to get a handful of alternate
>> destination pages that speak to this scenario and provide the
>> information that would be most useful to this kind of user.  It could
>> be a modified version of the download page.  It could be a new
>> intermediate landing page that provides context and then links to the
>> existing download page.  Whatever you think would work best.
>> We can then run the experiment, say for a month,  letting Google
>> randomly present users with the various alternate pages and measure
>> what the download %'s are for each version.  The winner will gain
>> eternal fame and glory, maybe even a blog post.
>> I'm willing to do the technical work on setting up the experiment and
>> prepping the website to support it.  What I need are volunteers to
>> come up with alternate landing pages for this scenario, ones that we
>> can include in the experiment.
> Do you also have statistics of where in the world this referrals come from?

I can tell you that the top countries for this referral are:

1. US
2. Poland
3. Russia
4. Brazil
5. India
6. France
7. UK
8. Philippines
9. Indonesia
10. Canada

So this is quite different from what the normal distribution if visitors is.

> It will surely help users to have that page in his/her own language and I
> think it wouldn't be difficult to set this up with what we already have.
> You talked about IE6 but from what I can see here [1] english speaking
> countries are not on the top list.

Interesting.  I checked the top Windows version for this page and they are:

1) XP
2) 7
3) Vista

So that is not what we see with general downloads.  In general Windows
7 leads, but in this scenario Windows XP is almost twice as popular.

> About other kind of pages to Content Experiment them, do you need an HTML, a
> mock-up, just the basic concepts or what? I can work on creating some
> alternatives.

I'd need something that we can put on the website.  So HTML (or
Mdtext) is ideal.  But even if you can mock something up in an email
or on the wiki, I can help convert that to a webpage.

> Paolo
> [1] http://www.ie6countdown.com/

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