On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> cc/ ooo-market...@incubator.apache.org
> I'm looking at the information we have on the project site for Trademark
> Usage
> http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/trademarks.html
> First item, logos:
> "For the Apache OpenOffice project these trademarks include the names Apache
> OpenOffice and OpenOffice.org, as well as the graphical logo."
> I would take this to mean the current logo on the "trademarks.html" page,
> which is not the same as the logo on the website:
> http://www.openoffice.org/images/AOO_logos/OOo_Website_v2_copy.png
> -or- the older web logo
> http://www.openoffice.org/images/AOO_logos/ooo-logo.png
> So, I would like to do a few things:
> - also put
> http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/images/300x100_dj_trans.png
> in
> http://www.openoffice.org/images/AOO_logos
> Change
> "For the Apache OpenOffice project these trademarks include the names Apache
> OpenOffice and OpenOffice.org, as well as the graphical logo."
> -- to --
> "For the Apache OpenOffice project these trademarks include the names Apache
> OpenOffice and OpenOffice.org, as well as the graphical logos."
> and link the word "logos" to all elements in:
> http://www.openoffice.org/images/AOO_logos
> (there's actually one item in there we aren't using which I need to remove)
> I will also change the logos area in:
> http://www.openoffice.org/marketing/art/
> and list all possible logos in:
> http://www.openoffice.org/marketing/art/galleries/logos/

I don't think we should limit the text to refer to a specific closed
set of logos.  But changing this to plural, maybe saying "and various
graphical logos" or, "and graphical logos, including but not limited
to", is fine.

Remember, a trademark is not limited to a specific file.  It protects
the symbol, which might occur in slight variations in various files.
And we're not limited to a single symbol.  The question is really
whether we're using that symbol to market our product, that is
associated with our product and identifies us as the source of the
product.  So from a trademark perspective we could have several
trademarks,  But from a marketing perspective that might be confusing.

( A good, but dry article on this trademarks and open source software
is here:  A good read on some of the issues here:
www.ifosslr.org/ifosslr/article/download/11/38 )

> Second item, other artwork:
> All artwork in:
> http://www.openoffice.org/marketing/art/
> seems to be either LGPL or PDL.
> I would like to include some verbiage on the above page that will advise
> viewers to review the licensing for the object(s) they would like to use and
> tell them simply (I think this would expedite usage. If we did this, I think
> the ONLY thing they might explicitly require usage for is the actual logo
> and nothing else):

The license only deals with the copyright.  It doesn't give permission
to use the trademark.

I'm not sure what we want to expedite here.   If we want to expedite
something specific, we can think of ways of doing that. For example,
look what we did with the "Get it here!" logo.  We made a special logo
for use under specific conditions, but without any further permission
requests.  For everything else, we still require explicit permission.
If we want to expedite other kinds of logo requests, then we should
probably think in similar terns, e.g., identify exactly which logo and
under exactly what conditions we want it to be used.

I don't think we should give any permission for using any other logos,
unless we've defined such conditions.  We should always keep in mind
the websites that put up fake versions of OpenOffice, the ones that
lead to users coming to us later complaining about how their systems
were taken over by adware and browser pop ups.  If we simply allow
anyone to use the logos then we have no protection against websites
that imply association or endorsement from this project, and use this
to confuse or lure users.

> "If you are planning on using an object from this area, you may modify an
> object as you like subject to the following conditions:
> (1) Use of any of the logos requires explicit permission. See:
> http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/trademarks.html

Could we just link this back to the trademark page?  We already say
there that using the logos requires explicit permission.  We also give
other useful information on how to request, etc.  It would be good to
keep that info all in one place.

> (2) Please note the licensing conditions for any other object you want to
> use (either LGPL or PDL)
> (3) If the object is licensed with LGPL
> (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) license, you may modify it as you
> like but should cite Apache OpenOffice (formerly OpenOffice.org) as the
> provider of the original artwork on which your modification is based
> (3) If the object is licensed PDL
> (http://www.openoffice.org/licenses/PDL.html), you may modify the object as
> you desire but must make you modification publicly available.
> --- end of items ---
> We seem to be getting many folks interested in using our artwork in various
> forms lately. We still have the "Distribution FAQ" on cwiki barely started,
> but it would be very helpful if we could get some of the elements correctly
> aligned before I can complete that.

I'm not sure we will be able to do much to make the core logos used in
any unrestricted way.   The safer way is to develop new logos (like
the "Get it here!") logo, that are thematically related, but distinct
from the official project logos, and then to promote the new logos for
use in certain situations.

Going back to what a trademark is:  it gives legal protection for
symbols that indicate the source of goods and services.  If we allow
the logo to be used by others for materials that they (not us)
produce, then we can lose any legal protections offered by the

Following that idea, for distribution, one thing we could do is
publish our own CD artwork, maybe based on Drew's designs (assuming he
is willing) and then with our official Releases we could include an
ISO image and the artwork.  We could then state that anyone is welcome
to burn the ISO image to CD, unmodified, and distribute, for free or
for charge, CD's with that artwork on it. The trademark use then does
indicate the source of the goods, since it is unmodified AOO, per the
ISO image we created.  This protects the user as well.  It also makes
it easier for the distributor.  If they want to include other files,
templates, etc., then they could include a 2nd CD, but this one would
not include our logos.


> - -
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> "There's no crying in baseball!"
>       -- Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks), "A League of Their Own"

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