On 25.06.2012 10:46, Zhe Liu wrote:
2012/6/25 Andre Fischer <a...@a-w-f.de>:
On 25.06.2012 10:00, Zhe Liu wrote:

2012/6/25 Andre Fischer <a...@a-w-f.de>:

Hi Zhe Liu,

we already have four test related modules under main/ (test,
testgraphical, testtools).

Would one of these be a good place to add two sub-directories for the new
testing code?

Are you concerned about too many modules?


The new 2 modules are top level modules.  qadevoo and  testoo depend
on testcommon.
testoo -> testcommon
test/testoo ->test/testcommon
  I don't know if it works according to the current build system. In
addition, I don't want to overwrite the existing code. They are
totally different. The 4 modules is maintained by nobody and can be
removed in future, I said it in

I see.  The goal is to remove the modules test, testautomation,
testgraphical, testtools?  Then it is OK to ignore them for now.

But then my question is: why not one new module and place testcommon and
testoo as subdirectories into it?
Do you mean the code structure like the following?
Jürgen suggested the same code layout. Actually I also prefer to it. I
have one question. test/testoo depends on "test/testcommon".
cd test/testoo
Is testcommon built automatically? If yes, it's ok.

We have main/test/prj/build.lst for that. There is one line for each directory that is to be build, together with dependencies on other modules (in the first line) and on other directories in the same module (on each line after the '-')

You would probably add two lines similar to these:

te test\source\testcommon nmake - all te_testcommon NULL
te test\source\testoo nmake - all te_testoo te_testcommon NULL

Which state that te_testoo depends on te_testcommon.
Then build the module with

    cd main/test

(please note that you build in main/test/, not in main/test/testoo or main/test/testcommon)


Besides, has the naming scheme (test{common/oo}) anything to do with the now
obsolete distinction between oo and so (the Sun only code parts)?
No!  Do you have better name?


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