KG01 - see comments inline. 

On Jun 27, 2012, at 5:51 AM, Louis Suárez-Potts <> wrote:

> On 2012-06-26, at 15:47 , Rob Weir wrote:
>> I took all the tweets from June that mentioned 'OpenOffice' and then
>> removed the word 'OpenOffice' as well as the string 'RT/.  (If they
>> were left in they would dominate over the other terms).  I then
>> created a 'world cloud' using the Wordle applet:
>> Here's what I got:

KG01 - Very nice. I'll include in our Twitter social data harvest. 

As for analysis. It's hard to extract a complete picture of sentiment without 
correlating the various words in some context. 

I viewed the word cloud in my iPhone, so I could only read some terms - good 

Observation: there is much chatter about alternatives and the incumbents. 
Insight: this presents a paradox, as some feel AOO should establish it's own 
identity, while others are focused on relativism - our ability to support users 
migrating from other tools, provide feature parity and support the  ability for 
users to leverage their existing knowledge. Moving forward our design direction 
will to continue to be mindful of both paths. 

Observation: the predominance of brand over feature/fuction chatter 
Insight: Brand matters. People are emotionally attached to their office suite. 

Observation: Writer and paperback are prediminat tool-oriented references. 
Insight: Document editor is most important to people in the twitter sphere. 

Not overly deep, just some impressions. 

What do others see?

Thanks for sharing. 

>> This gives a sense of what words are most closely associated with
>> OpenOffice in recent Twitter conversations.
>> What does it mean?  I dunno.  You tell me.
>> -Rob
> Looking further into this and seeing how the cloud is generated, I would be 
> interested in seeing how it looks in, say, Chinese, or other 
> non-US/Roman-script languages.
> Louis

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