
I've added some content to the planning doc on the cwiki. 

Question: is the conference focused on opensource methods and process, or on 
the actual products, or both?


On Jun 9, 2012, at 3:11 AM, Donald Harbison <> wrote:

> We have the opportunity to frame up and build a 'conference within a
> conference' within the ApacheCON EU 2012 venue, November 5 - 9th in
> Sinsheim, Germany. I've pulled  an outline together on the wiki [1].
> This is a 'call-to-action'. If you want to see this idea become a reality,
> now is the time to volunteer.
> Timing is urgent here. In the northern hemisphere, many of us will go off
> on vacations in July and August. We need to earn our space from ConComm and
> the other ApacheCon volunteers if this idea has any hope of success. Note
> that if you volunteer for this effort, you will also need to help out with
> the broader conference as well. Share and share alike!
> I have asked that we sharpen our proposal and submit it to ConComm by
> Friday, June 22nd... in two weeks time. Yes, that's compressed, but I
> believe we have sufficiently experienced PPMC members who know what it
> takes to make something like this happen. I've started a proposed committee
> list on the wiki, but that's all it is a 'start'.
> This is a great opportunity to re-boot our OpenOffice community in its
> country of origin. I'm personally very excited about this, and hope you are
> too. Please engage and make this happen.
> [1] **

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