
 Since we have weekly AOO branch build and daily trunk build, I want to do
build verification test to make sure the main functions are OK. After this
test we can do further general function test.

 I noticed there is smoketest in the AOO which can do some verification
test. But it is based on macros and basic language, which is hard to read
and debug. And no one maintained this.

Based on Liu Zhe's VCLAuto, we developed 40+ test cases to do build
verification test. These test cases are:

1. Test cases include 5 products: word processor, spreadsheet, impress,
formula, drawing.

2. Doing basic operations about each products: new, save, load.

3. Objects operations: chart, table, function.

4. Integrated smoketest from AOO.

 Plan to do:

1. Set up some machines to do build verification test, including OS:windows
32 & 64bit, mac, ubuntu, redhat.

2. Send verification test result to community when daily/weekly build is
ready, or to add to wiki.

3. Develop more test cases, such as database cases.

 Any comments are welcome!

Best wishes.
Linyi Li

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