Hi Pam,

>From your description, I do not really understand your problem. I guess you
have a Spreadsheet document(ods file). It worked fine in your old OOo (may
be OOo3.3). After you upgrade OOo to AOO3.4, it does not work now. You can
open/file a bug in https://issues.apache.org/ooo . Please attach your
problem file in the bug. Then we can have a look and help you find the

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Pam Tuthill <pam.tuth...@virgin.net> wrote:

> I have recently installed the latest Open Office and it has totally ruined
> some of my documents!
> I had a calendar/planner using several colours which I had been able to
> devise for myself as well as lots from the palate provided.
> How on earth can I get my old document back as it took several hours work
> and I really do not want to have to spend hours and hours doing it all
> again.
> I have searched the pages on the web page, but I have given up trying to
> work my way through it all in the hope of a solution.
> I have used Open Office for years and have recommended it to everyone I
> know, but if this sort of thing happens with no warning .........
> To quote the robot in Short Circuit - 'I am really pissed off' ............
> Pam Tuthill

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