On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> IMHO, the more interesting thing would be lighter-weight component,
> maybe HTML5 based.   Data-aware, both common web formats like JSON and
> OData, but also ODF-aware.   A spreadsheet component that you can
> easily embed into a website.  Not only for ad-hoc use, but as part of
> an overall application.
> That is one of the top requests I hear for the ODF Toolkit -- a
> reusable editor widget.

Yes, that' s doable as well, and would fill a need.

I just question the popular wisdom of HTML5 and cloud computing as the
next holy grail. IMHO It isn' t.

I' ve just typed "about:memory" on my Firefox browser and it turns out
the browser is allocating 450 megabytes of RAM for running JS code,
and I just have a dozen tabs open, including two cloud 'apps' : GMail
and Twitter.

Are these the "lean apps" of the future? Give me a break... ;)

PS: I do remember Lotus eSuite. I belive IBM cancelled the effort
shortly after v1.1 (or was it 1.2?) shipped (which, following IBM' s
tradition 1.1 was more "what 1.0 should have been").

Also, it was applets-based. Applets are heavily restricted and bear no
resemblance of what you can do today with Java6+ APIs and Java
WebStart. I often point out at http://ho.io/muCommander as an example
of how a properly done Java-based app can be, that can be launched via
JWS (try loading http://tinyurl.com/launchMUC from any system with
Java enabled and JWS properly configured and see what I mean).

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