Hi Yuri,

On 12.07.2012 17:50, Yuri Dario wrote:
I finally discovered the cause of a strange crash on some pc for the
os2 port. It is due to an invalid float operation in MetricField
class. It seems that some CPU are processing some invalid float value,
which in turn generates the exception.
but issue 150733 is not existing in current bugzilla database. I think
it is an internal staroffice/sun/oracle issue.

Yes. Unfortunately that old database is gone for good.

Do someone know how has it been resolved?

It has been resolved using the rtl::math::isFinite() check which in turn uses the SAL_MATH_FINITE macro which is interestingly defined in a platform-dependent way in main/sal/inc/sal/mathconf.h

What may be a problem is that the way the macro is defined for OS/2 it does not reliably work if it is called via the rtl::math::isFinite() function, because then the sizeof(type) magic fails.

Does it help if you replace the call to that inline method isFinite() to the macro SAL_MATH_FINITE()?

This bug is present when users show the page settings dialog to select
margins and page size. Since it happens when very big numbers are used
forI found a workaround using

     mnMax               = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL;

as initializer in void NumericFormatter::ImplInit()

This sounds like a reasonable plan-B though I'm a bit worried to limit the value to 32bit because it was defined as 64bit for a reason.


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