Not answering any particular mail, so top posting.

I think there are two problems with the scroll tool tip:
- the first one is that it shows on the mouse position and usually
when you scroll you have the mouse pointer on top of the document so
the tool tip is there too, hiding the text you are scanning
- the second one is that it do not wraps, showing on one line and
crossing on top of your document even if the mouse pointer is outside
the text area

The second problem is is part of a general problem with tool tips: for
example, when you put the mouse pointer over a footnote anchor the
footnote content also shows on only one line, which is sub optimal
when you have long footnotes. If you activate extended tool tip the
footnote content tip wraps and then if more useful, but extended tool
tips seems to not affect the scroll tool tip.


2012/7/18 Kevin Grignon <>:
> KG02 - See comments inline.
> On Wednesday, July 18, 2012, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:52:29PM +0800, Kevin Grignon wrote:
>> > KG01 - Having the system provide feedback to orient the user and
>> > support way finding in the context of a scroll gesture is goodness.
>> > While the information may be presented in a tooltip-like presentation,
>> > system status is different than a tooltip from an information design
>> > perspective.
>> What do you mean you "system status"? Is it the status bar?
> KG02 - Good question. By 'system status' I'm referring the the broader tool
> behavior where the users is informed by the system as to what is happening.
> Visibility of system status is an interaction design first principle. The
> status bar is a widget that surfaces some system status - there are others
> in the tool.
>> > While I am reluctant to encourage the creation of too many options,
>> yes, the Options dialog has too many options already; this new option
>> is, in principle, an API thing, a property to be added in
>> It can of course be added to the Options dialog.
>> > in this case, differentiating the tool tip content from status
>> > indicators/system status seems reasonable. Perhaps other popups could
>> > be clustered in the new category.
>> What would you suggest here? Other help balloon?
> KG02 - Not sure, I'd need to explore the various pop-ups. Of which, Help is
> one category. Given the prevalence of pop-ups in web apps and mobile apps,
> there may be an opportunity to explore pop-ups in more detail for AOO 4.0
> UI.
>> In this case we could explore evoking the scroll status indicator via
>> > a right click of the "Page n/n" in the status bar.
>> This is already assigned to an action (from the help balloon when mouse
>> over the status bar control):
> KG02 - To clarify, I meant surface the option to display scrolling feedback
> via a right click on the page numbers in the status bar.
>> "The current page number is displayed in this field of the status bar.
>> A double-click opens the Navigator, with which you can navigate in the
>> document. A right-click shows all bookmarks in the document. Click
>> a bookmark to position the text cursor at the bookmark location."
>> Regards
>> --
>> Ariel Constenla-Haile
>> La Plata, Argentina

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