Hello guys;
Just wondering ..
Can I chop the Python-2.6.1 src tarball now? I left it around to make
sure I don't break anything but it shouldn't be needed in trunk anymore.

--- Gio 26/7/12, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com> ha scritto:

not with the Hunspell update but indirectly by the integration of the
new download mechanism. The file is new on the branch and included
changes for these version updates that were already done on the trunk.
Important for me to understand where it comes from to avoid such things
in the future ...

Thanks Ariel for detecting it, I would probably have stumbled over it
when I would have tested the source release package which is on my plan
for this week.


> I am currently building a new MacOS and Windows version based on
> revision 1365887
> @Ariel: can you please build the Linux versions based on this revision
> Juergen

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