Same problem as before, Windows package permission is incorrect. Access

2012/7/30 Jürgen Schmidt <>

> On 7/27/12 2:54 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> > On 7/26/12 5:07 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I would like to propose revision r1365887 as base for the next developer
> >> snapshot.
> >>
> >> Well we have already or building currently and I have tested the source
> >> release and have created and uploaded the MacOS and windows version
> >> already. QA volunteers can start to take a closer look on these builds.
> >>
> >> When Ariel has finished the upload of tghe Linux builds we will start
> >> the voting on this build.
> >>
> >
> > We had to cancel the build on r1365887 because of a serious regression
> > which is fixed now.
> >
> > Reset everything and start new builds based on revision r1366353.
> > Hopefully the final ones.
> >
> > @Ariel: sorry for this further round but for me it's the same. Hopefully
> > we can start the vote on Monday latest, maybe earlier. I will check the
> > status over the weekend but will have only limited time.
> >
> MacOS and Windows are available
> Juergen


Thanks & Best Regards, Yan Ji

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