good news... ...


China Standard Software Co., Ltd.     LiuTao
China              Phone: (+86) 010-51659955-8106    

OpenOffice Community Modularization project lead

发件人: 李震宁 
发送时间: 2012-08-07  14:48:25 
抄送: ooo-dev 
主题: Hi Everybody 
Hi Everybody:
I’m Michael Lee from China Standard Software. I’m very glad to meet you.
We have been cooperating with IBM since 2012. We appoint engineers in the 
research and development projects of AOO, and also submit codes.
We hope to promote the progress of local open source community during the 
research and development.
We plan to set up AOO user groups in China, and gather them to have discussions 
and activities regularly.
Our purpose is to attract more user groups to use AOO and more developers to 
pay attention to AOO.
We’ll follow up for the activities and introduce to all of you. I hope you 
could pay attention to us and help us. Thank you!

-- China Standard SoftWare Co .Ltd Public Rdlations Director 
Michael Lee 13910018684 010-51659955-8131
发自我的 iPad

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