On 07.08.2012 19:02, Kay Schenk wrote:
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 12:55 AM, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com> wrote:

On 06.08.2012 22:47, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

  On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com>


I just wanted to let you know that over the weekend I played around
with Ubuntu metapackages and came up with one that pulls in all
packages that have to be installed in order to build Apache OpenOffice.

I have put the relevant files in my public_html directory on
people.apache.org.  Try it out by adding it as additional package
repository and install package "build-aoo".

A. With the synaptic package manager:

      1. Open the repositories dialog via menu Settings->Repositories

      2. Select tab page "Other Software"

      3. Click the "Add..." button

      4. Fill in after "APT line:"

      5. Close all dialogs.

      6. Update package list by clicking on the "Reload" button of the

B. or via the command line:

      1. Add these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list


      2. Execute in a shell

         sudo apt-get update
         sudo apt-get install build-aoo

The build-aoo metapackage is not signed and on installation you will
be asked whether you want to install it anyway.

Comments are welcome.

  Cool.  I'll give it a try.  But please everyone, do not share this
link broadly outside of the dev list,because of bandwidth

Maybe after AOO 3.4.1 is released we could host something like this on
SourceForge or Apache Extras/Google Code?


  Andre -- good for you.
Of course, I would still like to make a case for linux windows
vs OSes, but I know Ubuntu now uses "unity" and I know nothing about that.

I don't think that this does depend on the window manager/system.  I
mostly depends on the packaging mechanism (deb vs rpm) and the selection
and versions of packages used by a distribution.

um...well you are kind of right I think. I don't want to drag this out with
my views if you are making progress on a Ubuntu packaging. I am just
recalling the "classic" approach to some of the Linux situations. yes,
there is the "deb" vs "rpm" thing, of course, but complete integration of
AOO with the user's environment (those problems with having ti just "show
up" in the user's application selection menu complete with associated icons
and mime-type ineegration) depends to a great extent on the window
environment of the user.

Don't get me wrong. I think that you have made an interesting point here. We should take the window system into account. But

1. this package is not user-oriented. It does not install OpenOffice. It just prepares your system for building and developing OpenOffice. There are no (at least I don't see them yet) ties to the window system.

2. There are several Linux features that would require different packages or packaging techniques:
packaging: deb vs rpm,
window manager: Unity vs Gnome3 vs KDE vs  XFCE,
platform I: 32bit vs 64bit,
platform II: Intel vs ARM
version: different versions of one distribution

At the moment we handle two of these with our binary Linux releases (packaging and platform I). The four resulting combinations are multiplied by language count. This increasing number might become a problem in the future.

This being said, most Linux users would just love to have a package that
clearly says -- "for Ubuntu", or "for Fedora", or "for openSuSE". So I
applaud your efforts. You are certainly motivating *me* to explore
openSUSE's build system, :)
Thanks, that is good to hear.

Ubuntu just happens to be the Linux distribution that I use.  But since it
is based on Debian, the build-aoo package may work with other Debianish
distributions as well.

I intended this more to be proof-of-concept than a production-ready

OK, but don't stop there if you feel so inclined! :)

We have a LOT of interest from Ubuntu folks so this is a good move.

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