On Wed, 08 Aug 2012 18:56:22 +0200
Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to give a short update where we are and what I would like
> to propose.
> We had investigated in
> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=120476 - Inserting a slide
> in presentation will freeze AOO with clean environment.
> It seemed to be a threading issue in this special scenario where many
> things have influence. Bundled extension are using a separate new uno
> process the first time the office is started and until the office gets
> restarted. We found a fix to prevent the deadlock but the risk is high
> to break something else and we looked for an alternative fix.
> We analyzed pre-registered (prereg) extension and tried to prereg the
> minimizer and the presenter screen. This worked quite well so far but it
> means that both extension are not longer visible in the extension
> manager. This is the designed and expected behaviour for prereg
> extensions because some "clever" people thought that these extension are
> part of the office and can be seen as by default supported features.
> I would like to suggest that we integrate the minimizer and presenter
> screen extensions as prereg extensions in AOO 3.4.1. We probably all
> agree that both extensions provide useful features that should be
> available by default.
> For the future we can think of an integration in the core and drop the
> extensions completely to reduce the complexity. But this can be defined
> later.
> We do currently some further tests ...
> Juergen

As a long term objective, it would be really useful to expand the minimizer so 
that it minimised Writer documents, targetted for a specific resolution output. 
 Obviously this is not something that could happen overnight, but I suggest it 
as a worthwhile extension.  Such a module might be shared between Writer and 
Impress, so might not add much bulk.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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