Hello everybody my name is Víctor and I am new here. I would like to know how 
does it work. My intention was to collaborate with OpenOffice and the first 
step was subcripting to this List and now I am lost. If someone tell me the 
protocol or what things do we discuss here I would be so grateful.

Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

>If you don't know this guy's work you should really check it out.  He
>has over 2 million YouTube subscribers.  It is hard to describe, but
>I'd say it is 1/3 one-man band, 1/3 stop motion animation, 1/3 green
>screen work.  And 100% fun.
>His latest video is called "Stop-Motion Excel".  But if you look
>closely you see that he is actually using OpenOffice for the Mac:
>And here is the "behind the scenes" video that explains how he did it:
>This is a fun video and good for showing friends and family what you
>are working on.  Let's try to get the world out, via the social
>networking site, both project's and personal.   And if you want to add
>a comment to the YouTube post pointing out that this is OpenOffice and
>it can be downloaded for free from www.openoffice.org, then great!
>This is a good way to introduce the product to more users.
>Bonus points for adapting an old ASCII Art algorithm to generate a
>spreadsheet from a photo.  If anyone can do that I'll interview them
>for a blog post and show of their work.

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