On 2012/08/12 21:13, Ariel Constenla-Haile said:
> Hi imacat,
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 8:17 AM, imacat <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw> wrote:
>>     I've uploaded a simple initial release.  You are welcome to help me
>> improve it.
>> http://sf.net/projects/calcmosaic/
> you are using some Java API. A nice idea would trying to do everything
> with AOO API, so that the same example can then be written in AOO
> Basic, PyUNO, etc.
> That said, I can't guarantee you'll find everything you need, but in
> any case this is a good chance to ask for AOO API enhancements.

    No, that's currently impossible.  Actually I'm not good at
OpenOffice source, but at client UNO API application.  I studied it long
ago.  And I doubt if that is any useful.

    If Java can do it better, why not?  I'm not using Java because I
love Java, but because I can link to the whole Java SDK and everything
else.  I had even created an Android App using UNO API earlier this
year.  Will UNO API does that "everything else" (including the Android
library), too?  I'm afraid that is not necessary, and is not possible.
The same goes for Python, C++, too.

    Besides, UNO API is slow.  UNO API constantly serializes mass amount
of objects in and out through network socket.  I can save this if I only
does the necessary parts with UNO API, but leave other object exchange
within a same Java process.

    And UNO API is tedious.  The UNO type casting and exception handling
sucks.  (Read my code.)  If I do everything with UNO API (if that is
possible), I might not finish it in 400 lines and by now, and it makes
others more difficult to read the code.

    I believe OpenOffice Basic tried to do everything before, but
failed.  It is fine to keep it as it is.

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw>
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