By now everyone must be aware that the CFP system will be closing tomorrow,
August 13th. We'll have an idea of what was submitted this week. In the
meantime, let's have a discussion about how we want to shape our track
beyond those proposals.

Here's an outline to get the discussion moving...

REMEMBER, this is our conference track to shape was we wish. We have a fair
amount of flexibility within the overall framework of ApacheCon. At this
point, let's conceive of this as a 2-day affair nested within the 4 days of

a) PMC Chair (let's plan on graduation as a fact by early November, so we
would ask our Chair to anchor the track keynote
b) I/T Leader responsible for OpenOffice user communities

Meetups with other projects:
a) Shindig/Rave
b) Chemistry
c) POI,Tika, PDFbox
d) ...

-- topics?

a) Fora
b) National community groups: ...

Other Topics?

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