On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 22:47:34 -0400
Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 8:48 PM,  <cetacea...@aol.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to determine if there is an OpenOffice equivalent to MS
> > Publisher.
> OpenOffice Draw has some desktop publishing features.  You could try
> that.  Or depending on your needs another open source option is
> Scribus:
> http://www.scribus.net/canvas/Scribus
> Regards,
> -Rob
> > Thank you,
> > Anne K,

It depends how complex your DTP needs are.  For layout of a book of mostly 
text, OpenOffice will do a very good job quite easily (Pace typesetting 
purists!).  For more complex layouts with many illustrations/tables etc, 
reports vary - some succeed, some don't.  If you are trying to do cutting edge 
graphical book layout you should certainly look elsewhere.

In any case, a stable computer and a regular backup policy is a necessity.  On 
any substantial work I am doing, I back up morning and evening under time 
stamped copies.  Fortunately I have never had rely on a backup (3500 edits on 
each of two substabtial works over four years), but there are many reports of 
work being wiped out at the eleventh hou, for reasons not yet clear.  

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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