
On 22.08.2012 11:28, Andre Fischer wrote:
Hi all,

The testautomation module is one of the modules that contains jar files in its
source.  These contain xslt transformations, no code.  The xslt transformations,
however, still contain the old license headers.

Instead of cleaning this up (replace the license headers, add exceptions to
rat-excludes), I would like to remove the whole module.
As far as I know it is not used anymore.  A replacement is already in place:
source in test/testuno/, server here [1].

Are there any objections?

No objections from my side, but a +1

This solution would also handle the DLLs which are found in this module - see my corresponding post in thread "Need to Revisit RAT Excludes and Wildcards".

Best regards, Oliver.

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