KG01- see comments inline

On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 <x-apple-data-detectors://48>, Rob Weir wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Phillip Rhodes
> < <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Per Rob's email about the "Help us brainstorm ideas for Apache
> > OpenOffice 4.0" I was perusing the Google Moderator doc[1] and came
> > across this suggestion:
> >
> > "Provide social capabilities within core editors to share selection,
> > page/sheet/slide, or entire document with popular services including:
> > micro-blogs, social networks, curation communities, and file sharing
> > services."
> >
> > I think there's a lot to be said for this, and wouldn't mind getting
> > involved with such an initiative. Posting this to try and spark some
> > discussion around this suggestion.
> >
> > My own comment, in response to Kevin's Moderator post was this:
> >
> > "I like the idea of having something like this. If we had something
> > like that, I'd like a somewhat generic / extensible framework, so it
> > can be wired into pretty much any service, including services that
> > don't even exist today."

KG01 - Agreed, a generic and scalable framework would be great.

> > Any thoughts on what "social integration" for AOO should look like,
> > and is anyone else interested in this?
> >
> > [1]:
> >

KG01 - I feel that there is enough momentum here to start capturing some
usage scenarios. I can create a page on the wiki to capture some scenaios.
Perhaps we could run a session at the upcoming November conference to
validate and prioritize the scenarios.

> We (IBM) did a proof-of-concept along these lines for a demo at a
> conference last January.

Here is the general use case.   It was an
> extension to Impress that would allow the user to send the current
> slide to the activity stream of an OpenSocial container.  It converted
> the slide to a JPG, presented a dialog for the user to enter a comment
> and then used the OpenSocial REST API to send this to the server.  The
> slide could then be viewed on the server via the containers web
> interface.  Other users could comment on  it.  When the document
> re-loaded into Impress the container would be queried and the latest
> comments would be retrieved and integrated into Impress, into a side
> panel.
> So the net result was a user could post a slide with a question like
> "What do you think of this slide?", have it be shared with their
> friends, and then receive comments back from them.  It demo'ed well
> and seems to have some merit.

KG01 - there it is, our first usage scenario :)

> One idea would be to integrate such support and generalize it to Calc
> and Writer.  Another idea might be to support other, non-OpenSocial
> social networks.  The key seems to be the ability to convert a portion
> of a document into a snippet that is web-renderable (HTML or JPG) and
> track context.  Oh, and a lot of OAuth ;-)
> Regards,
> -Rob
> > (Disclaimer: my interest is partly - but not exclusively - motivated
> > by commercial concerns, as I am a founder of a startup that's working
> > on open source "Enterprise Social Networking" / "Enterprise 2.0"
> > products, and would be interested in exploring ways AOO could work
> > with our product(s))
> >
> >
> >
> > Phil

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