I assumed that a page number was a document property... Suppose I was wrong then.

On 08/23/2012 01:06 AM, dongjun zong wrote:
I already read this document. But the update is not effect for Page Number

The method update() of the interface
only the following field types:

    - Date and time fields are set to the current date and time.
    - The ExtendedUser fields that show parts of the user data set for
    OpenOffice.org, such as the Name, City, Phone No. and the Author fields
    that are set to the current values.
    - The FileName fields are updated with the current name of the file.
    - The DocInfo.XXX fields are updated with the current document info of
    the document.

All other fields ignore calls to update().

2012/8/23 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org>

Is the page number field? Hmmm, I inspected one and it supports update(),
not refresh(). So no, I don't think that I mean refresh().

Can you insert the field and then, since you still have a copy of the
field, call update()?

This is supported by  com.sun.star.util.XUpdatable

Read this:


And I quote:::::::::::::::::::::::::**::::::

All fields support the interfaces com.sun.star.text.XTextField <
com.sun.star.util.XUpdatable <http://api.openoffice.org/**
com.sun.star.text.**XDependentTextField <http://api.openoffice.org/**
and the service com.sun.star.text.TextContent <http://api.openoffice.org/*

The method |getPresentation()| of the interface
com.sun.star.text.XTextField <http://api.openoffice.org/**
returns the textual representation of the result of the text field
operation, such as a date, time, variable value, or the command, such as
CHAPTER, TIME (fixed) depending on the boolean parameter.

The method |update()| of the interface com.sun.star.util.XUpdatable <
affects only the following field types:

  * Date and time fields are set to the current date and time.
  * The |ExtendedUser| fields that show parts of the user data set for
    OpenOffice.org, such as the Name, City, Phone No. and the Author
    fields that are set to the current values.
  * The |FileName| fields are updated with the current name of the file.
  * The |DocInfo.XXX| fields are updated with the current document info
    of the document.

All other fields ignore calls to |update()|.


I hope that this helps some!

On 08/22/2012 03:30 AM, dongjun zong wrote:

You mentioned force update, do you mean use refresh() method ? I have
by below code, still can't work.

public void createPageNumber(XComponent component) {
          XMultiServiceFactory sevriceFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(**XMultiServiceFactory.class, component);
          XTextField pageNumberFiled;
          try {
              pageNumberFiled =
              XPropertySet props =
NumberingType.ARABIC);//Set page number display as Arabic
              props.setPropertyValue("**SubType", PageNumberType.CURRENT);

                       pageNumberFiled, true);
               XTextFieldsSupplier fieldsSupplier =
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(**XTextFieldsSupplier.class, document);
               XEnumerationAccess xEnumeratedFields =

              XRefreshable refeshable =
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(**XRefreshable.class, xEnumeratedFields);

//             try {
//                Thread.sleep(1000);
//            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
//                e.printStackTrace();
//            }


          } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {

2012/8/22 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org>

  On 08/21/2012 09:08 PM, dongjun zong wrote:
    I think you are right, I add a sleep time after insert page number
field before getText, the page number can get correct.
But I think it's a bug for page number update issue.

  Have you tried forcing an update? If so, then you won't need to wait.
I expect that an update may be a time consuming operation (say if you
insert at page number 400, and it must refresh from the start). I once
a problem where a document would open, but the initial page numbers were
wrong. It took a while for the page numbers to be updated after the
document loaded. The final solution was to issue a full refresh, which
time, but made it happen. So, the trade off was to allow the user to
immediately see and edit the document rather than forcing them to wait
the refresh to occur on load. With a large document, this can take time.

My guess is that it takes significantly more time to create and insert a
field than to trigger the update process. When the API is used to insert,
we have no context on the operation so it seems reasonable to not make an
immediate update before return. If the update process takes 1000 times
longer to occur (probably depends on document size and other factors,
depending on what is updated), then if I want to insert 100 fields, what
might have taken a fraction of a second may now take minutes.

Commands triggered from the GUI can make the reasonable assumption that
the user is not likely to perform that task a 100 times, and that a user
sitting right there and probably desires an immediate response to the
command, so then the triggered code (a dispatch) includes the update task
as part of the process.

If you think that not updating the single field immediately is a bug, you
should try inserting a Table Of Contents (TOC).

So, although you are certain that it is a bug, and you may be right, I
might call it a design decision that tends to make the typical user
experience more performant; which is the usual case..... but this is
speculation on my part.

  Oliver, I have tired again, on my computer, if don't add sleep time, it
has problem for exist more than 2 page sample fie. You can try this
add a page nubmer at end of this document. pls get this sample from

2012/8/21 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org <mailto:

      My expectation is that this is not a bug.

      I think that this is probably a timing problem based on the speed
      of the computer, the size of the document, how busy your CPU is,
      etc. If you do not have a number, then the values have probably
      not updated yet. Remember that the data model has no idea what
      page number it really is. This value must be updated by the view
      model / current controller (or something similar). If you have a
      value, then it just so happens that the values updated
      immediately. If you insert the value using the GUI, that code is
      smart enough to then trigger the update before it returns.

      On 08/21/2012 03:23 AM, dongjun zong wrote:

          The strange thing is this API can works fine for doc sample
          file. I guess
          this is a bug.

          2012/8/21 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org

              OK, I had to  look...

              For a text field, see if you can call update. This may not
              work if the
              document has not finished repaginating. I have heard of
              cases where a
              document had not finished doing that before someone tried
              to do stuff to
              it. The solution was to tell the document to full refresh
              (probably using a

              On 08/21/2012 02:30 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

                  Did you successfully insert the text field? If yes,
                  then after you insert
                  a text field, it has probably not yet refreshed its
                  value. Off hand, I
                  don't remember exactly what you need to refresh
                  first.... I would need to
                  look it up and I really need to run but figured it
                  might help you a bit and
                  you can look for the various refresh items (I think
                  that you can refresh
                  each index and for fields I think there may be a
                  single master field
                  refresh but I don't remember... have not done it in a
                  long time.).

                  On 08/20/2012 03:32 AM, dongjun zong wrote:

                      Hi All,
                           Using UNO API I do below operation.
                      1.Launch a odt document,
                      2.Create a page number field and insert into this
                      3.Get the document text

                      But in the step3, page number is not contained in
                      the get text. But if I
                      launch a doc document, I can get the page number
                      in step 3. I think this
                      a UNO API bug, can some body help confirm? Below
                      is my main code pieces.

                      XMultiServiceFactory sevriceFactory =
                                XTextField  pageNumberFiled =

                                XPropertySet props =

   props.setPropertyValue("******NumberingType", 4);//Set

                      page number
                      display as Arabic

                                XTextCursor xTextCursor =


                      pageNumberFiled, true);

                                String documentString =

              Andrew Pitonyak
              My Macro Document:
              Info: http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

      --     Andrew Pitonyak
      My Macro Document: 
      Info: http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: 
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: 
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

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