On 2012/08/23 16:06, Rory O'Farrell said:
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 15:49:15 +0800
> imacat <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw> wrote:
>> On 2012/8/23 03:20pm, Rory O'Farrell said:
>>> On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 09:00:52 +0200
>>> Raphael Bircher <rbirc...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Is this a random crash that you add no more informations. I tested it on
>>>> mac without any problem.
>>>> Greetings Raphael
>>>> Am 23.08.12 08:57, schrieb imacat:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>     I've been using 3.4.1 since last Friday.  It became very easy to
>>>>> crash.  I'm not sure if this is a local problem or not.  Has anyone
>>>>> experience the same issue with me?
>>>>>     I'm still diagnotise.  I hope this is only a local problem.
>>> Have you tried the usual first course with OpenOffice, namely renaming your 
>>> User Profile, or logging on as a different User, so as to iuse a default 
>>> profile?
>>     Hmm...  This worth a try.  I was not reminded of it.  I shall come
>> back later.
>>     My OSs are Windows 7, Debian Squeeze, Fedora 17, openSUSE 12.1, etc.

    Thanks to Raphael's persistent help, it seems to be a problem to my
older profile.  After removed the {profile}/3/user/extensions folder and
it works fine now.  I suppose it is a problem using 3.2 along with 3.4.

>>> Also, please let us know your Operating System.
> I have 3.4.1 running on Ubuntu 11.10.  My use is mainly for text editing, but 
> I have done very little of that in the past few days; I have had no crashes.
> Personal experience and reports on the User Forum indicate that the default 
> startup User Profile can sometimes be corrupt, even on "clean" (i.e, no 
> previous OO) installs.  We on the Forum know that a very large proportion of 
> OpenOffice problems can be cured by using a new User Profile.  In the case of 
> an advanced user, with much customisation in the profile, it is possible to 
> rename the old profile and later bring forward components individually to the 
> new profile until the bad component is isolated.  Life is not long enough for 
> this, in my opinion!

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw>
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