> KG01 - see comments inline
> On Aug 18, 2012, at 9:34 AM, Graham Lauder <y...@apache.org> wrote:
> >>> On 16/08/2012 Rob Weir wrote:
> >>>> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Kevin Grignon wrote:
> >>>>> I've been looking at various survey tools and would like to recommend
> >>>>> that we deploy the open source survey tool, *LimeSurvey.*
> >>> 
> >>> Perfect. It is a good tool and it is in continuity with what the
> >>> project used to use, see my old e-mail at
> >>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-ooo-dev/201206.mbox/
> >>> %3 C4 feecc9a.3020...@apache.org%3E
> KG01 - Great news. Most gracious.
> >>>> 1) A volunteer hosts the survey outside of Apache at their existing
> >>>> domain name
> >>>> 
> >>>> 2) A volunteer hosts the survey outside of Apache and some pays $15 or
> >>>> so to get a better domain name for it, like www.oosurvey.net
> >>>> 
> >>>> 3) A volunteer hosts the survey outside of Apache but we redirect the
> >>>> subdomain "survey.openoffice.org" to point to the external server
> >>> 
> >>> As I wrote in the same e-mail, Graham had written he had a working
> >>> LimeSurvey installation that he could make available to the project:
> >>> http://s.apache.org/wZ . So I'd try with that first, and I'd probably
> >>> prefer option 3 to keep all services under one namespace.
> KG01 - yes, a natural language oriented name such as
> "survey.openoffice.org" would be great.
> >>> Regards,
> >>> 
> >>>   Andrea.
> >> 
> >> Just having long loud discussions with the host at the moment because
> >> the site is broken, looks like an update has gone bad.  As soon as it's
> >> sorted we can be in to it.
> >> 
> >> We should probably still do the survey design on the wiki however.
> KG01 - Indeed, I have been capturing the survey questions on the wiki. I
> will also start to build the survey groups (question collections) in
> LimeSurvey to be ready to import into our hosted instance, when available.
> >> Cheers
> >> G
> > 
> > Good grief, server meltdown and they're talking about 72 hours before
> > it's up again.
> KG01 - No worries, as long as we can get cracking by the end of the week.
> KG01 - Please share server details and user credentials when available.

Hi Kevin,
You should have had an email with access details and password for admin rights 
by now.  Let's have at it.


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