
As you might know the ApacheCon Europe 2012 is taking place in Sinsheim, Germany, 2012-11-05 - 08 and will contain an OpenOffice track.

Several paper submissions for this track had been submitted. Don volunteered as the track chair in the ApacheCon EU planners team and formed a little team from volunteers (Don H., Kevin G., Peter J., Andrea P., Roberto G., Louis S.-P., Rob W., Jürgen S. and myself) to take care of this track. Track OpenOffice got one of the most paper submissions. Thus, the track got 17 slots assigned for accepted talks. The little team reviewed the paper submissions and was able to more or less accept 22 of the submitted talks. Some paper submissions are combined in order to get as much papers as possible in. Currently, it looks like that the track will fill two complete days with presentations.

The little team made up their minds for some additional, more general events/sessions. The current list contains the following:
- Community panel
-- 90 (45-60) min. panel session with a couple of AOO community members
- Birds of Feather on community building and maturing the community
-- 90 (45-60) min.
- UX design session
-- 45-60 min. session on UX, form of the session is currently open
- Dedicated time slot and room where AOO community is available for Q&A and discussions

The little team also had in mind to organise a location at the evening where AOO community can meet themself and other Apache people.

It is needed to reach out to the ApacheCon EU planners to get time slots and rooms for the additional sessions. These additonal sessions would extend the track OpenOffice by at least a half day. I volunteered to get in touch with the ApacheCon EU planners to request additional time slots and rooms. It is until now not clear, if these additional sessions will be approved.

What is your opinion on the additional sessions?
Do you want to have more? If yes, which one?

Also very important for having such additional sessions is that we need volunteers who take ownership of the one or the other. Best would be from my point of view to have a small team for each of the additional sessions being responsible for it.

Who is willing to volunteer here?

Best regards, Oliver.

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