We have done tests here and it works as described: when a synchronous call 
follows previous oneway calls, it waits until the oneeways are finished. The 
sequence is ordered for the caller thread.

We used OpenOffice URE and SDK sources Version 2.3.0 (OO680_m5).

As far as I remember our company chose UNO as backbone of the newer, 
component-based parts of the software because of

- the minimal overhead when calling into a service when it is in the same 
process (a virtual method call)
- the ability to cope with a large number of interfaces and services, also 
regarding compile times
- ease of debugging and the possibility to debug across component borders

They use oneway calls a lot: in this way they can reduce the IPC traffic 
between clients and a server application. At the end of a task they issue a 
synchronous call, collecting the results form so-called "remote variables".

Thanks, Karsten

Dr. Karsten Burger 
Lindenstraße 23
72074 Tübingen

Telefon 0171 124 134 8

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