On 9/12/12 10:37 AM, Clarence GUO wrote:
> HI~
> I know there are many interface definitions under offapi. But why there's a
> separated folder udkapi who also has many interface definitions? It seems
> the interfaces under udkapi are more fundamental, related to the most
> basical objects, such as stream, registry, pipe, and so on. Is my
> understanding correct? Then if it's necessary to add a new interface, how
> to decide which folder should I put it into?

The split was to differentiate indeed between general, generic API's
that can be used for many different use cases and are not office
specific. The idea was making UNO as middleware technology available for
others as well.

udk = uno development kit, well a poor name from today's view. uca = uno
core api would be potentially better, I don't know and it is not so

When you design new interfaces it can make indeed sense to think about
how generic they are and if they can be useful in other scenarios as
well. Office specific API's should go definitely in offapi.

But we have also thought about a merge of both modules and the merge of
some other modules where we differentiate between the 2. For example
ridljar and unoil where we generate the Java code for the API's. Or
offuh where the headers are generated. Well nothing important at the
moment and as we have seen UNO is used outside the office as well and it
is probably also valid to keep this differentiation.

I hope this helps a little bit


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