On 09/11/2012 05:49 PM, sean gayton wrote:

Hi,  My name is Sean and my peer is Bianca (cc'd) and we're looking
to help contribute to Open Office.We were hoping we could assist with
some documentation in creating a simple user guide and installation
guide for computer illiterate users.We were also looking into
assisting with some marketing, like developing artwork for open
office to use. We are both 3rd year IT students studying at the
University of Ballarat, Australia and need to contribute to an open
source project for a major assignment.We would love to help open
office in anyway we can.  Thank you.  Regards,Sean Gayton and Bianca

Sean, Thanks for contacting us! We can always use help with documentation.

In the past, an easy way for people to contribute to documentation efforts has been through the Documentation project's wiki. It's easy to apply to for an OpenOffice MediaWiki account.

So, here's the link to the main Documentation wiki area:


You might want to take a look at "Pages that Need Help!" in the WANT TO HELP? box, or some of the pages in the HOWTOs area that could probably use some updating.

We look forward to seeing your contributions. Please keep us posted.


"We never sit anything out. We are cups, constantly and quietly
 being filled.  The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and
 let the beautiful stuff out."
                         -- Ray Bradbury, "Zen in the Art of Writing"

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