On 9/14/12 2:17 PM, jianlizhao wrote:
> I wrote a simple oepnoffice extension, this extension is a OfficeToolBar ,
> The extension working properly.
> I click  menu  view->toolbars, I find the extension name is "addon 1", not I
> write  the expansion's name.
> How can I solve this problem.
> Which configuration file need to modify?

first of all it would be nice if you start a new mail thread for a new

The name of the toolbar is generated automatically when you don't
specify it. It is a very annoying design bug from my point of view that
you can't easy define a name in the context where you define your
toolbar. But anyway it was on our wish to-do list in the past and is
still not implemented.

You have to provide a context specific <Modul>WindowState.xcu file to
define the name. See

I hope this helps


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