On 9/16/2012 14:04, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
Kay Schenk wrote:

On 09/15/2012 06:18 PM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
Greetings All;

In order to stimulate some discussion on user documentation I have added
the hollowing page to the User Documentation Plan on the Plannig Wiki:

It offers 3 scenarios or the creation of the docs. I believe that we can
no longer put this issue aside.

Please take a look at the page and eel free to comment there and on this
list. Also feel free to add to or change any content there.

Keith N. McKenna


Thanks for starting this and for the wiki doc -- it will be very
helpful. Because writing documentation (user guides, howtos, tutorials)
is a relatively easy entry point for new volunteers to help out, I've
been thinking about this as well the last few days. So, I will make some
comments on the wiki page, and probably some changes on both
www.openoffice.org/documentation area and the Documentation wiki start
page as well.

Hi Kay;

Thanks or the comments, fell free to edit the hell out of the wiki doc.
It is meant to generate some serious discussion on how  we go about
getting *Quality* documentation.

I agree that Howtos and even some tutorials are a good entry point for
people, user guides however may be a bit of a different story. There the
services of good tech writers are important. That point is what drove
Scenario 2. Utilizing the work that has already been done as a leverage
point to get Quality work out in a timely manner. Also there are some
folks at the ODFAuthors site that have expressed an interest in working
on the AOO docs, but have shied away due to inactivity. Hopefully if we
show that we are serious in our attempt we *_MAY_* be able to get some
additional help.

Hi, Keith,

As a long-time volunteer with ODFA (formerly OOA), I can promise that we (AOO) can get documents from them. The cost of this option is (1) a legal review and approval of CC-BY v3; (2) some storage (WG v3.2 is 15.5 MB, so call it 100 or 200 MB per version, probably as .odt and .pdf files on the Mwiki. The download volume/bandwidth has been too low to cause any problems, but I have no stats); and (3) a little politeness.

If someone will handle Point (1), so that we have our ducks in a row, I will volunteer to handle Point (3). I can check on Point (2), but I don't think it's a problem.


I will look forward to your edits on the wiki and the doc site.

As an aside, is there a developer snapshot available or 3.5 yet? I would
like to start work on the Getting Started Guide on the ODFAuthors site
and it makes sense to make edits based on 3.5 since that will be the
most likely next release.


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